Sazeh Pardazan Company in partnership with the aim of cultivating Islamic homeland, as the executor of and gas projects in the Engineering, procurement and Construction(EPC),is determined in the fourth decade of its activity processes to improve effectiveness, development of specialized contracting and safety, following goals miniature work put:
- New solutions , using knowledge and continuous improvement projects in order to increase quality and customer satisfaction (Client).
- The use of trained and experienced personnel and promotion of technical knowledge, research and development, skills and abilities of human resources through continuous education and effective.
- Reduce adverse effects of activities on the environment.
Reduction of occupational accidents and occupational effects. - Preservation and health promotion staff and stakeholders.
- Action and plan for saving raw materials and efficient use of energy resources.
Sazeh pardazan company to achieve the above objectives, while establishing quality management systems in oil and gas industry(ISO/TS29001:2007),environmental(ISO14001:2004),occupational Health and Safety(OHSAS18001:2007)and safety management system, health and environment in oil and gas industry (HSE-MS),in order to gain confidence and satisfaction of stakeholders taken steps and committed them to respect heir obligations using involvement and stakeholder, continuous process improvement company and understanding and implementation of this policy in all levels of an organization knows.